Dec-O-Art continues its 50th year of operations by donating to support education and development at LaSalle Elementary.

As the 50th year of Dec-O-Art, Inc.‘s operation progresses, the focus remains unchanged; service, quality, and community.

Throughout 2021, Dec-O-Art, a local decal and label manufacturer, plans to donate to various charities within the community. Continuing the celebration, the most recent opportunity to give back was aimed at education, with LaSalle Elementary School receiving Dec-O-Art’s 50th anniversary donation.

“It’s a wonderful gift and we’re so thankful for what Dec-O-Art is doing,” said Bob O’Hara, Assistant Principal at LaSalle Elementary. “Everyone is celebrating this, it’s exactly what we needed.”

With Dec-O-Art’s gift, LaSalle Elementary will now be able to create a “Minds in Motion” room, aimed at helping students better develop necessary regulation skills. The room will be available every day to all of the students.

“Research has shown that when you offer motor activities that promote usage of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, you begin to see better development in areas like balance, emotional and behavioral regulation, learning, and higher order functioning,” explained Avonne Dainton, Social Worker with LaSalle Elementary.

Nathan Dosmann, President of Dec-O-Art said, “Our focus this month was education and the opportunity to contribute to an exciting developmental space at LaSalle Elementary to better develop the minds and bodies of children was a perfect occasion for us to advance our community in a way that truly matters.”

Ben Domonkos, Principal of LaSalle Elementary, communicated his appreciation as well. “We can’t educate children by ourselves. It takes a village. The community engagement from Dec-O-Art will benefit everyone here.”

LaSalle Elementary hopes to have the new space completed by the beginning of the new school year in August.

The kids at LaSalle Elementary created a beautiful banner that will be prominently displayed at Dec-O-Art.

Read the story on ABC57 News: HERE

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