Nathan Dosmann

"Legacy is hard to put into words, but I would like to be known for providing an environment that is a great place to work and positively impacting a community of great people. "
It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Nathan, and I am the President of Dec-O-Art. I enjoy grilling, gathering around a campfire, and hiking in the mountains. Camping with friends, golfing, and spending time with my family are some of my favorite activities. My family and I love to travel for the holidays and have created some of our best memories by spending time at the lake in the summer months.
My role model is my grandfather, Charles Dosmann. I admire the risks he took to start Dec-O-Art and give the generations to follow the opportunity to build and cultivate a business. He built the foundation to conduct the business and framework that’s still flourishing 50 years later. My favorite Dec-O-Art memory would be working here as a kid, doing the yard work, and learning about the business. I was able to see all that the company has done over the years and now I have a hand in helping the company continue to grow. I define success by having customers that return, long tenured team members, and continuing to develop the business and move forward. Every step you take forward is progress and success to what you’re aiming for. My greatest career highlight thus far has been earning the opportunity for ownership of the company. Legacy is hard to put into words, but I would like to be known for providing an environment that is a great place to work and positively impacting a community of great people.
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